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Plant and Soil专刊征稿 - 稻田土壤生产力和元素生物地球化学过程

来源: 日期:2018-09-04点击:

CALL FOR PAPERS: Special Issue "Element biogeochemistry processes and their implications for rice productivity in paddy soil”

Plant and Soil is seeking for submission for a special issue entitled “Element biogeochemistry processes and their implications for rice productivity in paddy soils” edited by Tida Ge, Yu Luo and Xinhua He.

A worldwide major food supply comes from the production of rice, while root rhizodeposited carbon (C) in paddy soil can also play an important role in C sequestration because of its large contributions (up to 0.52 Gt of CO2equivalents) to biosphere CO2. Emerging studies have revealed the distribution of rhizodeposited C in different soil organic matter pools, interactions between soil physicochemical and microbial properties in the plant-soil-soil continuum, and how this is affected by agriculture practices (water management, fertilizers, cropping system, etc.) and global environmental change scenarios (elevated CO2, temperature, etc.).

This special issue aims to bring together a number of studies that will provide quantitative and mechanistic insights into the key process in the rhizodeposited C stabilization and primed organic matter mineralization, and uptake and turnover of elements in paddy soil. The cutting-edge techniques, including isotopic (13CO2and15N) labeling, biomarker (PLFA-SIP) and molecular biology (Illumillum based high-throughput sequencing)have been applied to address the effects of agriculture practices and global environmental changes on source and sink relationships. Results from these studies will, indeed, enhance our understanding of element biogeochemistry processes and rice productivity in paddy soil.

Submissions Process:Submissions are due by30 November 2018on the following website When submitting a manuscript for the special issue, it is crucial that corresponding authors follow the steps below (otherwise the manuscript will not be recognized as being part of the Special Issue):

a. In the ‘Select an Article Type’ step, authors must choose “Special Issue S79 – Rice & paddy soils” from the dropdown menu.

b. In the ‘Enter Comments’ step, authors must type the following comments in the box: “This manuscript is intended for the special issue S79 – Rice & paddy soils”. Other comments related to the manuscript may be added after the aforementioned paragraph.

Peer Review:All manuscript will be peer-reviewed by 2-3 independent reviewers and handled by the Guest Editors, in collaboration with the Journal’s Section Editors.Special issue papers accepted for publication in the special issue will be available online very soon after acceptance, and before inclusion in the special issue.

Contact:If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact the Editor in Chief ( or the Managing Editor (

Or directly contacttheSpecial Issue Editors:

Dr. Tida Ge,;Dr. Yu Luo,;Dr. Xinhua He,








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